Triple Trouble by Tymber Dalton

Triple Trouble by Tymber Dalton

Author:Tymber Dalton
Language: eng
Format: mobi
Tags: Book/Menage
ISBN: 9781606015261
Published: 2009-11-11T05:00:00+00:00

Chapter Six

Ain reached for Elain’s hand as she stumbled. He grabbed a saddle blanket and led her to a nearby bale of hay, guiding her to sit.

Her eyes looked wide as she stared at the two naked men sitting on the floor before her.

Ain stepped back and started unbuttoning his shirt. “We’ve got a pretty big secret. I don’t know where to begin.” She stared, speechless.

He looked at his brothers. “Back.”

They were two black dogs again.


“Shape-shifters,” he said, removing his shirt. He kicked off his shoes. His slacks were next, he hadn’t bothered with underwear and his stiff cock sprung free as he stripped.

Elain’s brain tried and failed to process what she’d just witnessed.

Ain had stripped—holy Christ his cock was gorgeous!—and changed into a dog, then back.

“I’m the Prime Alpha.” Ain watched her shocked look grow even wider as he walked to stand in front of her.

She stared at him.

“You aren’t dreaming, and we didn’t drug you. This is real.” Elain stared, speechless. What the holy fuck?

“We’re over two hundred and thirty years old,” he said. “Long story short, shape-shifters aren’t a myth. And you’re our One.”

“One what?” she whispered, not sure of her voice.

“The One. For us. Mate.”


Tymber Dalton

That broke through her shock. “Huh?”

He knelt before her and took her hands. His face softened.

Something in her wanted to reach out and hold him. “We’ve never found our One before. Alpha shifters mate for life. Which is pretty long, if you haven’t guessed. It’s not like the movies, you have to be born one to actually change. When we take a mate, it changes them in some ways, too. A non-shifter mate takes on a lot of their shifter mate’s power. Or mates’—plural—in this case. Most shifters are male.”

“Whoa!” She looked at them. “All three of you?” He playfully smiled. “I thought you said you wanted some fun.”

“I…I do…I did…what the fuck?”

He gently pulled her to him and kissed her. She felt the resistance melt from her body at his touch. When his hand slid under her dress, Elain moaned, wanting more.

He pushed back the fabric and dipped his head between her legs.

When his tongue gently swiped at her clit she felt reality loosen and her world exploded after only seconds. She cried out as the unquenchable ache she’d felt ever since the parking lot adventure was at least temporarily sated.

The other two brothers shifted to men again and gathered close.

She stared at them, wondering if she’d just lost her mind.

Ain looked at her. “I can’t—we can’t do more unless or until you agree to be our mate. I will not force you.” She already felt the urgent throbbing start again, wanting release, needing them. “Yes!”

He shook his head. “You don’t understand. You would be ours, forever. Only ours. All three of us.”

Elain looked at their faces. Brodey and Cail looked desperately hopeful. Ain looked sad.

His words suddenly broke through her sexual haze.

“Forever?” she asked.

He nodded. Releasing her hand, he sat back. “We mate for life.

Trouble Comes in Threes


You would have to quit your job—”

That got her attention.


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